Saturday, March 20, 2010

3rd Annual Stirrup Hope Fund 5k - Registration Open

The 3rd Annual Stirrup Hope Fund 5k has opened registration for the August 21, 2010 event.  This year the event is set to be an evening event which should be a lot of fun.

To register for the event, visit the race website - Stirrup Hope 5k

Westerville Speedy Sneakers - 2010 Season Kick off

Westerville Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for Women kicked off the 2010 season today at Sharon Woods Metro Park.

After a short speech by Peter Engelbrecht, Jessica Kielmeyer the group leader led club members out for a great workout.  Conditions were perfect to start off the season.  Hopefully there will be more good weather after a winter of cold, ice and snow.

If you are interested in joining Speedy Sneakers, but missed the kick off don't dispair new members can join anytime of the year. 

Speedy Sneakers offers it's members the opportunity to walk or run with others who are of equal ability and fitness.  We are currently training for the Race for the Cure which will take place on May 15 in Columbus.

Interested members can get more information on our website at

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

George Roulett - FrontRunner - Westerville, Ohio

George Roulett of FrontRunner will be speaking to the Westerville Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Club for Women on Saturday April 24, 2010.

The talk will be held at Sharon Woods starting at 7:45 a.m.  All attendees will be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate.

See our website or Facebook page for more details.