"Home Run 5k"
Sunday May 24, 2009 starting 5:00 p.m.
Historic Dublin
In partnership with the City of Dublin and Habitat for Humanity comes an awesome new 5k race to Dublin. This new event, the "Home Run 5k" will have a unique start time of 5:00 p.m. and will take in much of historic Dublin. There will be finish line activities for adults and kids alike, awards for runners using strollers, and much more. It promises to be unique, entertaining and mostly FUN.
The race committee has formed and plans are underway to get the race off the ground. The committee is dedicated to providing a unique racing experience for runners, walkers and sponsors alike. But we need your help.
Whether you are a runner, or walker, elite or recreational, we want to hear from you. We want to know what will make your race unique and fun. What have you seen work at other races that you want incorporated into this race? What would your kids love to have as finish line activities? What would you love to see for yourself?
Let us know and we will strive to incorporate them into our race planning, and then when all is said and done, we ask you to mark your calendars and come out to the run, or walk and enjoy the cool air of a springtime evening in Dublin.
The survey has only 6 questions. Shouldn't take you too much time. Thanks in advance.