Dedicated to promoting womens health and fitness through walking and running programs.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Walk Magazine - Going Green in 2009!
I've been hinting about changes coming to WALK! Magazine, but I haven't gone into much detail. Here are some of the exciting things going on.
WALK! Magazine is going green! We will begin publishing only electronically
beginning with the next issue. There are many benefits to publishing electronically.
Not only will we be saving trees, but delivery will no longer be delayed due to printers and the postal service! We have a lot of exciting ideas to take advantage of this new format and we will share those with you as they develop.
Second, WALK! will start publishing six times a year in 2009! I have wanted to take this step since our first year of publishing. To better accommodate this new bi-monthly production schedule, we are postponing the Winter issue, traditionally published in December, to January 2009 to make it the January/February issue. This change will cause a delay of only a couple of weeks, but will make the transition to a bi-monthly magazine much easier in the long run.
In this current economy, paper and postage costs are taking their toll on many
publishers -- even long-established magazines with large readerships are hurting! We had a lot of difficult decisions to make and finally decided it is better for our readers to keep publishing, even if it is strictly electronically.
I have to admit -- I'm pretty old school when it comes to publishing. I like paper --I like the feel of paper and I like the portability of taking a magazine or a book with me wherever I go.
But by going electronic, we are able to do some things we can't do otherwise -- like include links to other walking websites, build an online walking community or embed video into the magazine. Wouldn't it be great if, when Dave McGovern explains a new technique, we can see a video of him demonstrating that technique? Not all of those extras will take place immediately, but we are working on it. It will be a very exciting time for us!
For some people, going electronic will be a difficult transition. To make that transition a little easier, we are offering some great subscription deals. All current subscribers will be receiving that information soon. I sincerely hope you will give it a chance.
To see what an electronic edition is like, check out the Summer issue. Just click on the pdf cover to open it. The password is "walkingmag". (Future issues will have more features.)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Home Run 5k - Dublin, Ohio
Let's us know if you will be there.
Yes I will be there
Monday, December 15, 2008
Parents Looking for Events for your Kids?
About Kidslinked
Our story of becoming busy parents should sound familiar to anyone who has tried to balance the demands of work, home and parenting. As a database developer, amateur tri-athlete, creator of online training plans for self-coached athletes and all around entrepreneur, founder, Greg Yoakam, saw the need to develop a company that provided parents with family management tools at their fingertips. This realization led to the creation of – a one-of-a-kind resource for parents and child-care givers to discover safe and fun learning opportunities for their children.
We invite you to explore and enjoy the many activities it provides and the time and energy it saves. connects kids to fun and learning while creating a lifetime of memories.
New Running Event Company Forms in Columbus

A new running event company has formed in Columbus Ohio. Second Sole Racing was found by Brian Ditty who has numerous years of event experience in Columbus having been an owner of Premier Races also located here in Columbus.
There have a few signature events such as Capital City Half Marathon and Columbus Marathon.
Checkout their site: Second Sole Racing
Watch the Dream Video & Help a Great Cause!

To celebrate the launch of the video—and encourage you to share it with friends—Brooks will donate five cents for every view of the video between November 13, 2008, and December 21, 2008. We'll be counting views at the official viewing sites: and Once the views have been tallied, Brooks will donate up to a maximum of $25,000 to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, earmarked for the support of breast cancer research.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Flying Feather Four Miler - Thanksgiving Day 2008

After some concern, the Flying Feather Four Miler was held in Dublin Ohio on Thanksgiving Day.
This years race drew almost 2,000 runners and walkers. The overall winner was Austin Schmidt of Columbus who won in 21 minutes and 7 seconds. The first female runner was Krista Seibert of Powell win in a very fast 25 minutes 3 seconds.
If you want to see the other race results and photos here is the link FLYING FEATHER FOUR MILER
Monday, November 24, 2008
1. We get to see family and friends
2. We get a couple of days off of work to see family and friends
3. We get to eat some of our favorite dishes.
This is also the time of year that we get to add calories. The food is always good, but we can surely pack on the pounds unless we make a determined effort to exercise during these winter months. So how much should we exercise after our Thanksgiving meal? Well, that depends on how much we eat of course!!! For my classes that I teach I found this neat website that will allow you to determine how many walking steps you need to take based on the food you consume over Thanksgiving.
Now be warned......this is based on number of steps you need walk. If you are starting to run your calories burned will be higher so think about that as you take a look at the outcome. Click on Thanksgiving above to access the link.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Winter Schedule
Just because its fall going into winter, it does not mean we stop training. Speedy Sneakers will still be meeting at Glacier Ridge Metro Park each Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
We meet at the shelter house when you enter in from the north entrance of the park across from Glacier Ridge Elementary.
If you are interested in joining our club, stop by and check us out.
Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for Women
Thursday, November 13, 2008
RRCA 10km Trial Championship
For more details visit their race website
Monday, October 20, 2008
Congratulations Speedy Sneakers
To view the results of all the races, follow this link.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Cool Weather Workouts!
Here are a few tips to staying warm when the air is chilly:
1. Layer your clothing - layers are best because they can be removed once you start warming up from your exercise. Wear an outer jacket that acts as a windbreaker and that also keeps you warm in the initial stages of your workout.
2. Bring your hat and gloves - an individual loses heat through their head and hands so it is best to keep them covered until you are sufficiently warm!
3. Windchill factor - the cold temperatures plus the wind make the air temperature much cooler than it really is. Start your workout going into the wind and finish with the wind to your back.
4. Time change is coming up! - be safe when working out in the dark. Wear clothing that has reflective material on it so others can see you.
5. Get dry - once you are finished with your workout put some dry clothes on. Wet clothes will cool you down quickly.
Remember, exercise is a year round event so be careful, keep working out, and be healthy!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
More on BPA by JAMA

Click here for the report. Association of Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration With Medical Disorders and Laboratory Abnormalities in Adults
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Speedy Sneakers Run at the Game Day 5k

With the early morning rain, it seemed that the race may be cancelled, but as the sun came up the weather changed and the race was a go.
Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Club members came out and had a fun time running through Glacier Ridge Metro Park.
We were also entertained by "the coach" Wood Hayes impersonator.
Thanks to the organizers for an awesome time and to the worthy cause of the United Way of Union County in Ohio.
Best of luck next year.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Prediction Competition

* 1 mile run/walk on a treadmill
* 2 mile stride on an elliptical machine
* 3 mile ride on a stationary bike.
The time it takes to complete it is your STARTING PACE.
Four-weeks later. Run/walk 2 miles, stride 4 miles, or ride 6 miles and predict a time that has to be as good or a better pace per mile than your STARTING PACE.
Eight-weeks (in total) later. Run/walk 3 miles, stride 6 miles, or ride 9 miles and predict a time to finish in that has to be as good or a better pace per mile than your week 4 pace. The team whose predictions at week 4 and week 8 are closest is the WINNING team.
To make it fair, after you have established your STARTING PACE, in your weeks 4 and 8 assessments, the odometer/speedometer will be hidden so that you cannot adjust your pace to meet your predicated time.
The closest predicting team splits $600 (evenly)
The closest predicting individual wins $100
This is a competition that almost anyone can join because you do not have to be in good condition to start. It is important to start an exercise program, though, because improvements are required.
Entry Fee is $50 per person which entitles you to;
* The chance to win $600 with your team.
* A chance to win $100.
* A fitness consultation after your initial timing.
* Corporate discount rates to Good Bodies Fitness.
* A 16-week membership to Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Club for Women.
* A membership to the Columbus Running Company training group.
* 10% discount coupon to the Columbus Running Company.
* Tips on how to lose weight.
* Weekly email support from Good Bodies. Each email will include exercise, nutrition, and motivational information.
Contest Parameters
There is no obligation to become a member or workout at Good Bodies. There are no hidden or additional costs (the $50 entry fee is the only cost).
Friends and Family members are welcome to enter the competition!
Competitors will receive a packet of information when they record their STARTING PACE. It will include health and exercise information that will help them get off on the right foot.
Contestants will receive weekly support via email that will include the Good Bodies Healthy Habit tips, exercise tips, encouragement, inspiration, and contestant highlights.
You will be timed at Good Bodies but we can arrange to record times at your place of business if suitable exercise equipment is available. Teams do not have to use the same exercise modality.
Dates of timing are;
* September 18th, 19th, and 20th.
* October 16th, 17th, and 18th.
* November 13th, 14th, 15th.
* Winners will be announced on November 17th.
Good Bodies will be opened from;
* 6 am to 10 pm Thurs. – Fri.
* 6 am to 5 pm Sat.
* If there are appointment times available, you can sign-up through the 20th.
Good Bodies accepts cash, check, VISA, MC, AMEX, and Discover.
To learn more about Good Bodies, go to See Map
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The First Women's Olympic Marathon
Dublin Recreation Center Closed - Workout Alternatives
There are a number of alternatives.
1. Workout outside by either walking, running or biking. If you are a lady walker or runner, Speedy Sneakers works out twice each week at Glacier Ridge Metro Park.
2. Swim in one of the outside pools.
3. Temporarily join another fitness facility. Lifetime Fitness is offering a free 7-day membership.
With the Rec Center closing, and the great weather we are having this is a wonderful opportunity to try something else.
Friday, August 22, 2008
VitaBrownies Featured on Good Morning America
According to Lisa Drayer, R.D., contributor to Women's Health Magazine, "It definitely is delicious and it's another guilty pleasure that's good for you, too. VitaBrownie is not the typical brownie at all -- it's healthy. Plus it's fortified with vitamins."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Just For Fun
I have visited all these States and hope to visit all one day. Where have you been, or want to go?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Facts about PET
I was emailed this website a few days ago and I think it is worth reading.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Core Training For Walkers and Runners
Though core training can never be considered easy or simple, getting started is half the battle. In this short video you will see that core training does not have to be as strenuous as some think they should be.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Constantina Tomescu-Dita of Romania Wins Olympic Gold

World record holder Paula Radcliffe after having been injured for most of the time in preparation for the race finished in 23rd place. The world record holder, and winner of two New York Marathon has not won a medal at the Olympics and with the London Games in four years time may certainly have one last chance.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bisphenol A (BPA) - update FDA "It's Safe"
The Associated Press just sent an update that the FDA says, "trace amounts of BPA are safe for adults and babies."
You can read the report on
Working Out - Use Common Sense
Well how about some common sense. Read the latest article post on, "Working Out Requires Common Sense."
After you have read the article, why not snub the magazines and enjoy a treat then go out and walk or run 3 miles.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New Article Post - Bisphenol A (BPA) – Myth or Not?
Read the full article
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Guilt of Rest
We feel guilty as if we have cheated our bodies of something essential. This is so untrue and we should not think or feel this way. In fact, we really need to think about taking rest every week. Perhaps up to 2-3 days off per week wouldn't do us any harm at all.
If you are one of those who prefers not to take a lot of rest days during the week and you feel that taking time off will hurt you physically, then mentally you need to play a game of rest. This is how the rest game goes.
Day 1
You will exercise in the morning on the day 1, then do nothing in the evening.
Day 2
On day 2 you will do nothing in the morning, but will workout in the evening.
So now you have trained on day 1 and day 2. By playing this game, mentally you feel like you took no rest days as you worked out on both days, but physically your body has rested for up to 36 hours which included one nights sleep which is essential for recovery.
Try this game and let us know what you think.
By Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for Women
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Game Day 5k - September 13, 2008

There will be a drawing for Ohio State Football tickets, post race breakfast catered by Der Dutchman and lots of fun and entertianment.
Use this link to register today.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Glory Days
I was never an athlete. Not in elementary school. Not in middle school, and certainly not in high school where I actually earned my only “D”—in gym class. And when I say “earned,” I mean earned. I mean, you really have to work hard to get a “D” in gym. It’s not like any idiot can do it. I fondly recall skipping out on gym to do fun stuff like drive with my other hip friends to McDonald’s in my little fluorescent orange austin america to flip french fries on the hood and watch the birds gobble them up.
Does it get any better than that?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Guest Speaker - Dr. Patricia Stafford

Run 4 Kids 5k Marysville Ohio

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Women's Walking and Running Club Coach/Coordinator
Now you can by being a coach/coordinator of a Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Club for Women.
If you are interested in starting a club, then let us know of your interest. We are looking for people who have enthusiasm and a smile and not necessary any experience as a coach.
For more detail see our website: Speedy Sneakers
Monday, July 14, 2008
USATF Stretch Study

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
CHA Animal Shelter's 18th Annual Dog Jog & Health Fair-5K Run & 1 Mile Walk
Citizens for Humane Action (CHA) Animal Shelter, Inc., is a non-profit organization dedicated to finding permanent homes for abandoned cats and dogs in central Ohio.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
An Awesome Day to Run in Dublin Ohio

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Speedy Sneakers – Columbus Dispatch April 24

Happy walking and running
Keeping Perspective of Your Goals and family
How many athletes have you known, or heard about in the media who have sold the farm to achieve their goals? Many athletes have put off their careers, family, and life in general all to “make it.” The problem is that these moments of glory and fame, if they come, are fleeting. In the years to come, as the talent, motivation and opportunity are gone; nobody will remember what you did. Perhaps having had some perspective would have been better. Work on the career, have a family and then try to “make it.”
So for the recreational athlete, be careful about lofty goals, keep perspective on what makes you happy at home. Your family, friends, children, the dog. Have goals, but keep them attainable. Keep them within reason and have a ton of fun along the way.
Happy walking and running
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Speedy Sneakers Welcomes a New Partnership with atalanta athletic Wear

girl tested. runner approved.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Run or Walk Safely

All of the major organizations of running and triathlon have banned the use of these devices at their races, simply because they are a danger to the athlete.
How are these devices dangerous? Simple, you have to hear to be alert. If you walking or running and cannot hear you put yourself in a lot of danger. Think about it, when you are training you are sharing the road with cars, motorbikes and trucks which are going very fast. If you are not able to hear or are not paying attention you could be hit.
Even if you are running on bike paths, you have to be cautious. Cyclists of all ages are using the paths and a simple mistake can result in injury.
If you are a person who uses an iPod then I ask you to begin practicing to not use this device. I know it’ll be hard, but try and keep it home so that you can be sure to be safe.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Taking your heart rate
1. You can take you pulse on your wrist, also referred to as your radial pulse. To do this use your index finger and feel for you pulse on the thumb side of your opposite wrist.
2. You can take your pulse on your neck, also referred to as your carotid pulse. To do this find your adam's apple and slide your fingers over to the left or right. You should be able to feel your heart beating.
3. You can purchase a heart rate monitor. Heart rate monitors can range in price but are quite easy to use and a great tool for closely monitoring your heart rate as you work out.
So now you have found your pulse, what next? In order to determine your heart rate you need to count how many times your heart beats in one minute. It is best to have a watch with a second hand to do this. You can take your heart rate for a full minute or you can take it for 15 seconds and multiple it by four. If you are using a heart rate monitor you do not have to do any calculations as it gives you your heart rate real time.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Injury Prevention
As older walkers and runners, injury prevention becomes of paramount importance. Why? Since we do not heal as well as our younger counterparts, coming back from an injury takes longer causing us to have to make the slow progression to full recovery just that bit longer. This can be a frustrating process that calls for patience.
So what do you need to keep in mind to try an avoid injuries? Since we are all different, and the situations we place ourselves in can cause an injury in one of us, while the other remains injury free.
I think the best thing to keep in mind is a few commonly known tips.
1. Always warm-up well before a workout.
2. Always cool down thoroughly after a workout.
3. Keep a good balance between hard, moderate and easy workouts.
4. Rotate worn equipment. If your shoes have done the miles, change them out. A good rule of thumb is to have two pairs and rotate them each day.
5. Take a rest once in a while; it will do the body a lot of good.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Product Review – Vitamin Water

It’s really bad, I just recently got a digital camera, do not have a MP3 player, do not have a GPS watch like a Garmin and definitely do not own an iPhone.
Just like technology fads. Fads are all over, and it either ends when some other new fad comes along or it becomes part of our culture and way of life. So how about this Vitamin Water thing that is being marketed? Will it be a fad and fade or will it last and become as useful as Gatorade? Who knows, only time will tell?
I will let you know I recently tried out some Vitamin Water. The power-c dragon fruit with c+ taurine. Dragon fruit is mostly comprised of the B vitamins, which I have always been a big fan of for instant energy. There is also a really healthy dose of vitamin C, though it’s the ascorbic acid type which is not as good as if they had used Rose Hip which is more natural. Perhaps they cannot preserve it in a liquid, or it is just too expensive.
The downside to some of the ingredients is that is does contain 13 grams of sugar, not as much as a Coke or Pepsi, but more than a diet drink. So be cautious, do not drink too many of these things, unless you are training for the Ironman.
Overall, it was definitely tasty, and I definitely felt like I did get a bounce from it. I would say from time to time, give it a try, but my opinion, over time this too will be a fad.
What do you think?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rx Running Shoes
Of course not, this would be ludicrous. In most instances we would probably do more harm than good?
If this is true, why then do we buy our walking and running shoes without first consulting with a professional? How many of us, visit the nearby big box retailer to get the great deal on the newest Nikes? I suppose we have to assume that we do not take our feet and legs as seriously as we do our other body parts.
I think we can agree, for the most part, we are all made just a little different from the next person. Therefore, we all may need a little help in finding a shoe that fits our height, weight, style of walking or running and distance we walk or run. A professional running store employee should be able to help us find the shoe that fits our bodies.
The benefit of having the right shoes is that we will be able to prevent some injuries that probably could have been caused by buying the wrong type of shoe. Look at it as a prescription for running shoes.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Flexibility is Important
Warming up the muscle is key to getting a good stretch. Think of your muscles as elastic bands...well if you put an elastic band in the refrigerator it will not stretch well, however warm it up and it has a more elastic property. Just like that elastic band, warming up the muscle and getting some blood flow through it will help improve the flexibility of that muscle.
When you stretch you should stretch to a position of mild discomfort and then hold that position for 10-30 seconds. This should be repeated on each muscle three to four times. Also while stretching do not hold your breathe, breathe as normally as possible.
Good news, flexibility can be improved in as little a time as two sessions per week!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Registration Opens - Dublin Speedy Sneakers Training Program

Monday, February 4, 2008
Keep Your Running Shoes Healthy

These are three great questions in regarding shoe health. The answers to them should be as follows;
Do you keep track of how many miles you run or walk in the shoes you currently own?
I hope the answer to this is “Yes”. Why is this important? Just like you have an expected life span, your shoes have an expected life span. By logging how many miles you put on your shoes, you will know when it is time to get another. Do not fall in love with your shoes, when its time to depart, keep them out of the rotation. Besides, you can use them to grocery shop, kind of like retirement for your shoes.
Do you only change shoes when they fall off your feet?
The right answer to this is “No”. You should change shoes ever few hundred to thousand miles, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation. A great resource for this will be your local running store employee. They should know this information if they worth anything. You should also be able to research this information through the running shoe company website.
Do you walk around in your shoes, even if you are not running?
I hope you answer “No” to this question. Use your running shoes to run in, use other shoes which have reached retirement age for walking around. This way you get to keep your shoes longer and they will probably remain cleaner and fresher for an extended period of time.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Buddy Up with Friends
I am a firm believer that regardless of your current fitness level, whether a world class athlete or recreational athlete you can benefit from “budding” up with some of your friends to workout together. Together you can motivate and encourage each other to strong workout performances.
The key is to find workout friends who are of similar strength. However, if your fitness levels vary greatly, you can still tailor the workout to benefit all.
Let us say we have Group A, they can run a mile in 10 minutes, and Group B, can run a mile in 13 minutes while Group C can run a mile in 15 minutes. Your workout calls for running 5 x 800 meters in 6 minutes.
Group C will leave first, one minute later Group B will leave, with Group A leaving one minute behind Group B and two minutes behind Group c. You stagger the starting times so that all groups should finish together.
Good luck with your training and finding friends to workout with.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Benefits of Cross-Training
Cross training is performing “other” exercise routines which are not normally part of your primary program. Many people choose to use lighter exercises for cross training. For instance, if you are a walker or runner you may want to try swimming or cycling which have a lighter impact on the body.
Cross training allows you to work on different parts of the body that you may not have in your primary exercise. As a walker or runner, your arms may never see any exercise, but if you were to cross train by swimming or lifting weights you will engage those muscle groups into your program.
Cross training will help you avoid injuries by reducing the amount of work load you will place on one set of muscles. Through repeated action your muscles, bones and tendons could become overused. By cross training you will use different parts of your body thereby shifting the workloads around your body.
As a walker or runner here are some cross training exercises you should consider. Swimming, aerobics, weight lifting, rope jumping, stretching and cycling.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Commitment - Setting Your Goals

So what does commitment mean to you?
Firstly, commitment should be a goal. As you have probably read in other postings on this blog I firmly believe that you should write down all your goals, and the commitment is one of them.
Here is how you write down your goal. “I will remain committed to the goal of walking or running a 5km race on November 1, 2008 by walking or running four times each week for 20 to 30 minutes over the course of the next 5 months”
Your goal is very clear and specific. You know what the goal is, how much you need to workout and what the deadline will be, the race.
So, as you place your race schedule or workout schedule for 2008, try writing down your goals and especially focus on the goal of being committed.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Long Slow Distance (LSD)
So what does the slow distance do for you? As mentioned, once you get to the speed training and have attained a good speed level, you will be able to hold onto that speed throughout the season. If you do not get your long work in, and then work on your speed, you will get the speed but it will not last as long as you would hope.
Here is an example of how to balance distance and speed into your training.
Week 1 – 100% LSD – 0% speed
Week 2 – 100% LSD – 0% speed
Week 3 – 90 % LSD – 10 % speed
Week 4 – 90% LSD - 10 % speed
Week 5 – 85% LSD – 15% speed
Week 6 – 80% LSD – 20% speed
Week 7 – 70% LSD – 30% speed
Week 8 – 60 % LSD – 40% speed
Week 9 – 100 % LSD – 0% speed
Week 10 – 50% LSD – 50% speed
Week 11 – 30 % LSD – 70% speed
Week 12 – 100% LSD – 0 % speed
Week 13 – Race
Play around with some long distance and speed combinations until you find something that you feel comfortable with. Remember you have to be able to recover from your hard speed efforts.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Exercise and sleep
So what does this have to do with exercise? People who exercise tend to have better sleeping habits, better sleeping habits result in improved health!
Try increasing your intensity of exercise as you progress in your program. As your intensity increases you will find you will sleep better. With that said, try not to exercise right before you go to bed because the acute effects of exercise will actually keep you awake.
Exercise well = sleep well
Happy dreaming!
Increase your Speed
The problem may be you are training like a tortoise and wanting to run like the hare. Here are some tips for increasing your speed.
Run Intervals
Warm-up by jogging for 5 minutes slowly, then sprint for 30 seconds, jog 1 minute, sprint for 30 seconds, and jog another minute. The intensity and length of the intervals will depend on how fit you are. For starters try just a few repetitions, increasing them as you get fitter and stronger.
Run Hills
Warm-up for 5 minutes, find a small hill, run hard up the hill, and jog down. Repeat this until your heart rate is above 120 beats per minute, then jog back home slowly.
Run Strides
Warm-up for 5 minutes, find a smooth and flat piece of road, bike path, country road or grass field that is approximately 100 meters in length. Run the 100 meters fast, but in control. Think of yourself as an Olympic sprinter, smooth, strong and powerful.
Make sure that you are well rested to perform these “sprint” drills, incorporate some slow, long distance running, walking or jogging between these workouts to ensure adequate recovery.
by a Walking and Running Club for women.
Dedicated to promoting health and fitness through walking and running programs.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Most Important Season
The base is that block of time, which can be as long as 12-weeks, where you will slowly and methodically build your strength through some long slow distance walks or runs. It is also the time to get into the weight room for anywhere between 2-3 times each week.
Missing or not taking advantage of the winter months will definitely cause you to start way behind any of your friends that committed themselves to a winter training program. I realize that when it is cold, it can be difficult to become motivated to get out there, or even run on a treadmill, but it has to be done in order to achieve your goals.
If you cannot be self-motivated, set small goals for yourself to get through the 12-weeks that you should commit to a winter program. Divide the 12 weeks into four quarters of three weeks each. After each three weeks, give yourself a reward such as a day off, or a longer sleep in on a regular workout day. At the end of the 12 weeks, treat yourself to a great tasting meal; forget the fat and carbs just do it. You will not loose anything by indulging after working out for so long.
It is now January if you have not started on your program; you are now looking at completing your winter program around April. The window is still open to get committed, so get out there today and make it happen.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pack Away the Excuses
If you have forever contemplated getting started in a regular workout routine, but find yourself making excuses, now is the time to pack away Ms. Excuse.
Some people refer to excuses as “rationalization”, for most others they are just simply “excuses”. We are all human, we use rationalization all the time to fit our lifestyles, our moods and emotions. If we are feeling down, we may rationalize that having a sugary coke and piece of chocolate cake will help us feel better. Chances are it will probably make you feel worse.
Since rationalization is all in the mind and not anything physical, you should try to trick your mind to avoid falling into the rationalization trap.
Here are some tips to move beyond a state of rationalizing for the negative and into a stronger more positive state.
Determine to make a change. Tell your mind you are now ready to become healthy and fit.
Write down your intended goal. Make it specific, and measurable. “I will run a 5 mile road race on April 20 of this year”.
Tell others about your goal. Let others know what your goal is so that they can ask you about it and thereby force you into achieving your goal.
Setout a plan to achieve your goal. Write down specific steps you will need to take in order to reach the goal. If needed, solicit help from a coach.
Have fun. Always, have fun getting to your goal. If you goal is not fun then you probably have set the wrong goal.
For the benefit of all the readers of the Speedy Sneakers Blog, let us all know how you overcame the nuisance of making excuses and how you achieved your goals.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Three Times for 20-Minutes
So what to do to get those 20-minutes out of the day. First, make a contract with yourself. Write it down if need be. Get a friend to workout with you. If you have kids that are old enough to exercise, get them to go with you. If you have a husband who does not want to exercise, but will ride his bike alongside, get him to do it.
Decide whether you are a morning or an evening person. If you prefer getting up early, then get started on your workout. If you an evening person, delay that workout until the evening. Make it easier on yourself. Workout when your body and mind are ready.
Lastly, keep a dairy or a logbook of your workouts. This will help keep you motivated and on track.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Exercise intensity
Intensity is how much effort you put into your exercise. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) your intensity level should be between 60% and 90% of your maximum heart rate. This level of intensity is often referred to as your target heart rate (THR) zone. In order to find this level here are few simple calculations:
Predicted Maximal Heart rate (PMHR) = 220 - age
60% = PMHR X .60
90% = PMHR X .90
For instance, a 45 year female's THR zone would be
PMHR: 220 - 45 = 175
60%: 175 x .60 = 105
90%: 175 x .90 = 158
Therefore this individual should be exercising at a level that elevates her heart rate between 105 and 158.
Starting a Workout Program
Here is a seven day workout plan that I think you will like, and it will definitely get you started. All sessions should be done as you feel.
Day 1 – Walk 15 minutes
Day 2 – Walk 10 minutes, run 5 minutes
Day 3 – Walk 8 minutes, run 5 minutes, and walk 2 minutes
Day 4 – Walk 5 minutes, run 5 minutes, and walk 5 minutes
Day 5 – Walk 2 minutes, run 8 minutes, and walk 5 minutes
Day 6 – Rest
Day 7 – Run 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 5 minutes
This program allows you to ease into a program, by making it easy and simple to follow. The walking part should be seen as a recovery from your run. Running is where you will receive the most benefit. If you want to receive the same benefit as running, you will need to increase the amount of walking you do.
Try this out, and let me know how your program progresses. Best of luck.
This blog was contributed by Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for women. Speedy Sneakers is committed to promoting women’s health and fitness through walking and running programs
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Right Diet
I believe that you should eat a wholesome diet of meat, fish, breads, fruit and vegetables. Sometimes this means eating some fatty acids, such as Omega-3 which is found in food such as salmon. Omega-3 is a good fat, and should not be taken out of your diet unless there is some medical reason to avoiding it.
You should also include complex carbohydrates into your diet. These are found in vegetables, nuts, seeds and grain. Complex carbohydrates are made up of chains of single sugar molecules. The long chains of sugar molecules are called starches and branched complex carbohydrates are called cellulose. Starches are fairly easy to digest, however your body does not digest cellulose, which is an important component of dietary fiber.
In conclusion, the right diet may not even be a diet. The right diet is a diet of foods that contain all the major food groups, in moderation. So, if you are considering going on a diet, speak to your doctor about the consequences of restricting your body from eating many of the great and wonderful foods that already exist and try to get onto the right diet.
This blog was contributed by Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for women. Speedy Sneakers is committed to promoting women’s health and fitness through walking and running programs
Friday, January 11, 2008
Should I see my doctor before starting an exercise program?
The Surgeon General has said that most people can safely engage in exercise if they start slowly and work their way into their exercise program. Furthermore, as you start your exercise program begin with something you know you can handle and work you way into more and more exercise. I suggest following Peter's recommendation on starting your exercise program.
You can also use the following questionnaire to determine if you need to see your physician. The PAR-Q is used by many fitness professionals who want to assess their clients current health. Answer the questions truthfully so that you can be on your way to a healthier life!
Exercise Consistently
How many times have you started, stopped, started, stopped, and then again started on a program only to become frustrated and upset that you have not reached your fitness goal. Consistency will help you get there.
Plan your program to be consistent. If in the beginning you can only workout two times each week, then workout just two times each week, but maintain the consistency. When you start missing individual workouts, it becomes easier to begin missing weekly workouts which then leads to monthly workouts, soon you are not exercising anymore and you have reverted back to your old self.
If you need to, follow this plan.
Week 1 – Workout once per week
Week 2 – Workout twice per week
Week 3 – Workout three times per week
Week 4 – Workout four times per week
Week 5 – Maintain
This program should help you ease into a consistent workout pattern.
This blog was contributed by Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for women. Speedy Sneakers is committed to promoting women’s health and fitness through walking and running programs.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cold Weather Workout Tips
Here are five workout tips you can try this winter.
1. Mall Walking. Early morning, or later in the evening on weekdays are great for getting a warm walk in. If you are not running around at 4:00 minutes/mile pace, mall security will not mind you walking.
2. Cross Train. Winter provides the perfect opportunity to do some additional cross training at your local gym, such as lifting weights and swimming. Both provide the opportunity to workout different muscles groups that you may not have done while walking or running in the summer.
3. Jump Rope. Get a jump rope from your local fitness store, they are inexpensive and provide a solid workout. Jump rope for 5 minutes to start and you will feel like you had just run 5 miles!
4. Indoor Cycling. If you have an indoor bike, use it. So many people have indoor equipment do not use it. This is a waste, as time passes the machine will breakdown and ultimately become useless. Try cycling for 30-minutes.
5. Core Conditioning. Wake up each morning and workout your various abdominal muscles. Core conditioning is essential for maintaining torso strength for walking and running.
As always in cold weather, maintain adequate hydration, dress in layers.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Stretching is Key
For every workout there are two parts to stretching, the pre-workout and post-workout stretch.
The pre-workout stretch gets the muscles ready for the workout by allowing blood to flow into the muscles and the increasing flexibility of the muscles which will be used during the activity. This allows you to get into the workout quicker.
The post-workout stretch will help move out of the muscles any lactic acid that will have accumulated in the muscles during the workout. This will allow for a quicker recovery and alleviate some of the soreness that you could experience from the exertion placed on the muscles during the workout.
If you are an older athlete, 30 years and older it becomes even more important to incorporate stretching into your workout routine as all the benefits of having young stretchy muscles starts declining. Stretching will help avoid some of the little injuries that can occur in older athletes that younger athletes take for granted.
Stretching Images
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Essential Water

I wanted to add to Peter's thoughts on fluid intake. Many people ask, "How much water should I drink?" The standard response is 8 -10 cups of water a day. The average adult loses about 10 cups of water a day through perspiration, urination, bowel movements and breathing. However, if you are an active individual you will tend to lose more water.
Most of us substitute and say things like, "Well I had coffee this morning, it has water in it." Yes it does but it also has caffeine. Caffeine actually contributes to dehydration by removing water from the body. So, if you are active try to consume fluids that have no caffeine or if you do don't count that as your fluid intake for the day. I know most of us like our cup of Java in the morning but try to replace that with water once you are awake!
What about sports drinks? They do contain electrolytes essential for muscle function, but be careful of the high sugar content contained in the drinks. One of our graduate students found that athletes that consumed sports drink ad libitum during practice were actually more dehydrated following practice than those that consumed just water.
In the end what does this mean: carry water with you and sip/drink it throughout the day. Don't rely on high sugar, caffeinated drinks to quench your thirst.
Happy drinking!
The Need for Vitamins

The question always comes up about the need to take additional supplements in the form of vitamins. We have to realize two things when considering taking vitamins, be it a multi-vitamin or a specific vitamin such as C, or B.
The first is that vitamins are expensive, and secondly, do you really need to take them?
Let me answer the second thought first. When trying to decide whether or not you need to take vitamins take a look at your pantry and refrigerator. Are you eating quality food? Does you refrigerator look like a flower shop, green, red and orange vegetables and fruits? Do you eat whole grain breads? Drink milk and water? Simply are you eating well enough to not need to take in additional supplements? Supplements are meant to replace what you do not have. If you can get it in your food, no need for vitamins.
Lastly, be careful not to flush good money down the drain buying vitamins and vitamin drinks when you could be planning good meals for yourself and your family, thereby saving money and increasing the quality of your lives.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Keeping it Simple
Each slide was a copy of a few very well known money magazines. Each had an incredible headline, “top 10 stocks”, “the other top 10 stocks”, “get out of these 10stocks”. The slides went on and it became apparent that if you had read these ten magazines you would have been confused and not anymore educated than before you began reading.
So are other magazines any different, such as health and fitness magazines? The answer is yes, absolutely. If this is true, what are you to do? Just be careful about taking to heart all the information, there is just too much and it does conflict. For the most part the information contained in the magazines is valid and good, however if you were to take all the advice you would be constantly changing your workouts, diet, buying all kinds of new gadgets and just simply getting yourself into a state of utter madness.
Read all magazines for education, pick out just a few things you would like to try and give it time to work if it is what you want to do. Speak to trainers or coaches about what you have read and see if they agree with it. Any good coach will ask some probing questions before giving advice.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Why be physically healthy?
One reason to be physically healthy is that it contributes to your mental, emotional and spiritual health. When you exercise there are basic physiological changes that occur in the body which help with mood states. For instance, it is known that exercise can decrease the incidence of those blue days that we all seem to have. This in turn improves your emotional state and allows you to have a more positive outlook on life.
So as this week begins, commit to making your exercise goals, even if they are baby steps at first!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Most Important Meal
Breakfast is simply made up of two words, “Break” the “Fast”. As an example, when our last meal of the day is 6:00 pm in the evening, and we wake up at 6:00 am, that first meal breaks the fast we have gone through of some 12-hours.
Our bodies though in a state of rest has not eaten or had something to drink for half the day. It is imperative to performing well within the next few hours that we have something to eat and drink.
A good meal can start with a bowl of cereal. Cereals are simple to make and sit well with the stomach; they make perfect meals if you are running late. I personally prefer a meal with a little more substance after my morning workout. This is a double dose, no eating for 12-hours and then a light workout, my body needs food and water.
As a last suggestion, if you eat light in the morning, try to take a piece of fruit or a shake with you to work for that mid-morning snack. Your body needs the right amount of fuel in the right quantities throughout the day in order to ensure maximum performance.
By Speedy Sneakers Walking and Running Clubs for women
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Year’s Resolution: Support a Great Mission
The Ovarian Cancer Coalition mission is “To raise awareness and promote education about ovarian cancer. The Coalition is committed to improving the survival rate and quality of life for women with ovarian cancer”.
Speedy Sneakers mission in promoting health and fitness in women through walking and running programs also believes that we should live up to our mission by supporting grassroots organizations that are on the front line in the battle to improve the lives of women.
As a man, I am profoundly appreciative of the role that women play in our society, from their role in the workplace to their role at home, women are a precious treasure.
As you make New Years resolutions I hope that you resolve to contribute to society by considering supporting your local or even the national organization of the NOCC. You can find more information about NOCC on their website.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Back to Work
Here are some tips for getting back without the strain:
Start off slowly
After a few weeks of doing mostly nothing, do not rush out the door and try to get 8 miles done. Start off with 2 miles if need be. Slowly build up your distance by adding 10-15% each week until you hit that 8 mile mark again (if that is where you left off). Gradually and slowly ensures success.
Keep a daily log
If you did not get one as a stocking stuffer, get an inexpensive log book to keep track of you progress. Keeping track ensures that you do not miss too many days between workouts without feeling guilty. Felling guilty is good if you need that kick in the pants.
Get others involved
Call a few friends and get them to the gym with you, make it a date and stick to it. The best motivator in the cold months up in the north is to have others workout with you. All can be a great encourager and motivator to each other.
Set your goals
This is the time of the year, where I hope you can look back at last year in order to look forward to set new goals for the coming year. If you are new to working out, then set a goal of maintaining the program.
Be thankful
Lastly, always be thankful to live in a great country where you have access to areas to workout. Not everyone in this world can run in a safe neighborhood, or workout in a spacious gym.
Good luck for the coming year, I look forward to hearing about the goals and achievements you have made throughout the year.